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Showing posts from July, 2020

Kitchen Remodeling – Questions To Ask

Remodeling your kitchen is a big decision in which you could probably use some sound advice. Questions that you need to have answered include: How much will a kitchen remodeling job cost? Will I be able to recoup my expenditures if I sell my house? Can I change the layout of my kitchen? The answers to these questions will help you to decide, first, if you should remodel your kitchen, and second, how you should remodel your kitchen. A kitchen design center will have experts on hand to answer any of your specific questions. It’s worth your time to consult a specialist early in the decision making process of remodeling your kitchen. But, here are some generic answers to the above questions. The cost of a kitchen remodeling job can vary widely, depending on the extent of the remodel. For the average $250,000 American home a complete kitchen remodel will range from $20-30,000 for a complete remodel with all new appliances. You can easily spend over $100,000 if you let your kitchen remo

Determining a Kitchen Remodeling Budget

It is very important to determine a budget for any home improvement project, and kitchen remodeling is no exception. A word of caution: I spent several hours researching kitchen remodeling cost and budgeting on the internet to gather data for this article. I ran into a couple websites that gave square footage pricing for kitchen remodeling. Although I commiserate with their attempt to find a simple method to figure out remodeling pricing, this type of advice is not based in reality. Remodeling jobs in general are so specific to the conditions of the building and tastes of the homeowner that no square footage pricing will ever be realistic. I also ran into many sites that did not give you any real information about establishing a budget but basically interpreted Hanley Wood’s Remodeling Cost vs. Value report which is published each year. You are much better off visiting the Cost vs. Value report online and evaluating the results for yourself. Like anything else in this world a kitchen